The Angle (in degrees) a Game Object needs to be set to in order to face down.
The Angle (in degrees) a Game Object needs to be set to in order to face left.
The Angle (in degrees) a Game Object needs to be set to in order to face north east.
The Angle (in degrees) a Game Object needs to be set to in order to face north west.
The Angle (in degrees) a Game Object needs to be set to in order to face right.
The Angle (in degrees) a Game Object needs to be set to in order to face south east.
The Angle (in degrees) a Game Object needs to be set to in order to face south west.
The Angle (in degrees) a Game Object needs to be set to in order to face up.
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Angle constants that can be used anywhere you specify angles in degrees, for instance Weapon.fireAngle and Weapon.bulletAngleOffset.