A bulletKillType constant that automatically kills the bullets when they leave the Camera.getBounds rectangle.
A bulletKillType constant that automatically kills the bullets after they exceed the Weapon.bulletKillDistance from their original firing position.
A bulletKillType constant that automatically kills the bullets when their Weapon.bulletLifespan expires.
A bulletKillType constant that stops the bullets from ever being destroyed automatically.
A Weapon.bulletKillType constant that automatically kills the bullets when they leave the Weapon.bounds rectangle. The difference between static bounds and weapon bounds, is that a static bounds will never be adjusted to match the position of a tracked sprite or pointer.
A bulletKillType constant that automatically kills the bullets when they leave the Weapon.bounds rectangle.
A bulletKillType constant that automatically kills the bullets when they leave the World.bounds rectangle.
Generated using TypeDoc
Kill type constants for Weapon.bulletKillType